Video Students Look at their Parents Leaving the Military When parents make the transition from a military career to civilian life – whether that change is planned or sudden… Watch
Program Student 2 Student Established in 2004, Student 2 Student (S2S) is a peer-to-peer student-led program that brings military and civilian students together to… More
Support SchoolQuest SchoolQuest was created to help parents of military-connected children manage the process of school transitions more effectively. Our free, easy-to-use… More
Program Frances Hesselbein Student Leadership Program Outstanding students from MCEC Student 2 Student Program participate in leadership and character development training to support student roles within… More
Document The Magic of the Family Meal Una gran lista de consejos, libros, vídeos y juegos para conectar en familia a través de las comidas. Download
Document Healthy and Fit Families Cómo mantener a los niños activos Aparte de dormir, los niños no deben estar inactivos más de una hora seguida Download
Document Test-Taking Strategies Ayudando a nuestros hijos con estrategias en época de exámenes durante la primaria Download