MCEC Learning Hub
MCEC professional development courses are available through a new online training platform! Explore available courses and mini-lessons:
Professional Development:
Gone is Gone: Supporting Military-Connected Children During Absences
This training guides youth-serving educators and professionals in identifying the impact of parental or caregiver absences on children and adolescents.
We Serve Too: National Guard and Reserve Children
This course guides professionals to better understand, recognize, and identify the unique challenges for children of National Guard and Reserve members.
Social Emotional Learning and the Military Child
Our goal in this course is to focus on how you, as a caring professional, can better support the military-connected children in your classrooms and programs, utilizing an evidence-informed SEL approach.
Supporting Veterans’ Children Through Transitions
This course enables youth-serving educators, professionals, and parents to support the unique transitional issues children face when their parents separate from the military.
Estimated completion time for these courses: 1-1.5 hours. You can download your Certificate of Completion for professional development upon course completion and survey submission.
Visit the Learning HubRegistration to use the MCEC Learning Hub is a 2-step process. The link above will take you to set up your MCEC account. Upon completion, your browser will navigate to the Learning Hub, and will also receive an email with a link to access the Learning Hub. First-time visitors to the Learning Hub will be asked to set up an account, where course progress and completion can be saved.
Please keep your login information for future participation in MCEC courses or webinars. New and updated course offerings are added periodically – come back often!
If you need any help with setting up an account or logging into a currently inactive account, please reach out to
Students – Peer-to-Peer Mini Lessons:
How to Disagree
Everyone experiences disagreements and conflict. How can we deescalate?
How to Keep Your Cool
Your blood pressure rises. Your palms get sweaty. What do you do now?
How to Get the Party Started
It can be awkward to introduce yourself or talk to someone you don’t know. How can we get started?
How to Fail?
Everyone fails; we all make mistakes. How can we move on?
Peer-to-Peer Mini Lessons are student-led facilitations. Each mini lesson is about 20 minutes and contains a variety of engaging questions and activities to empower high school students.
Visit the MCEC Learning Hub and begin training today.
Registration to use the MCEC Learning Hub is a 2-step process. The link above will take you to set up your MCEC account. Upon completion, your browser will navigate to the Learning Hub, and will also receive an email with a link to access the Learning Hub. First-time visitors to the Learning Hub will be asked to set up an account, where course progress and completion can be saved.
Please keep your login information for future participation in MCEC courses or webinars. New and updated course offerings are added periodically – come back often!
If you need any help with setting up an account or logging into a currently inactive account, please reach out to
Visit the Learning Hub