Videos for Education Professionals

MCEC® created these videos with our partners to support education professionals in learning about common topics impacting military-connected students. Each video is strategically designed and developed to address questions and challenges facing military-connected students and the schools that serve them. Please use and share these resources with fellow educators, parents, and community members to help foster supportive environments for military-connected children and their families.

This education series of professional video resources is made possible through the generous support from our coalition partners at USAA®.

Understanding the Need

Discover why the Military Student Identifier and Impact Aid for military-connected students is vital to their educational success.

Military Student Identifier (MSI) and Impact Aid

Learn about the impact transitions have on military-connected students and how you can support environments for them to succeed.

Transition to College

Discover new ways to help military-connected students be college-ready after high school.

Welcoming inbound & assisting outbound MCS

Create and implement welcome and PCS materials


Learn the impact of SchoolQuest™ and how this free, online tool is a difference maker for military-connected parents, students, and educators around the world.

The Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3)

This video, provided by MIC3 to MCEC introduces you to MIC3 and the impact they have on supporting military-connected students and families.

Set Your Sights on Success

Discover the on-demand, online tutoring and homework help from, provided at no cost, with live, experts ready to support military-connected students 24/7.

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