MIC3: Real World Impact

June 11, 2024

Episode 323

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The Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3) addresses key educational transition issues encountered by children of military families.  But what does implementation of the Compact look like?  Listen as Shelly Ramos, Senior Director of the Curriculum Standards and Student Support Division at the Texas Education Agency and MIC3 Texas State Commissioner, shares three unique case studies and solutions that illustrate how MIC3 works to assist in successful education-related transitions.

This podcast is made possible by generous funding from the Scott Spouses’ Club. To learn more, visit  https://www.scottspouseclub.com/.

Audio mixing by Concentus Media, Inc., Temple, Texas.

Show Notes:


MCEC Global Training Summit

Don’t miss Lindsey Dablow, Training and Operations Associate (MIC3), presenting two sessions at the Global Training Summit.

Distinguished Lecture Session, Tuesday, July 30, 2024

MIC3 201: Case Studies and Implementing the Compact

The format of the Compact 201 Training is an interactive session focused on discussing case studies to demonstrate the correct implementation of the Compact. Participants will learn of the legal provisions related to education that protect military children as they transition interstate between public and Department of Defense Education Activity schools. Participants will discuss Compact gray areas and learn about Commission resources and best practices for military families, school districts, and states.

Virtual Session, Thursday, August 1, 2024

MIC3 101: Addressing Key Educational Transition Issues

The National Office facilitates the MIC3 Compact 101 Training. Participants will gain an understanding of the legal provisions related to education that protect military children as they transition interstate between public and Department of Defense Education Activity schools. The Compact 101 Training provides participants with a working knowledge of the Compact, state structure and implementation, rules and regulations, and how the Compact supports military students. (Registration for our Virtual Session will open June 25, 2024).


The Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3)




Shelly Ramos serves as the senior director of the Curriculum Standards and Student Support Division at the Texas Education Agency. Ms. Ramos provides statewide leadership for the implementation of new legislation and State Board of Education mandates for K-12 education, including the state curriculum standards known as the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, or TEKS, the Texas Virtual School Network, Mathematics Achievement Academies, and Civics Training Program as well as high school graduation requirements. Ms. Ramos has served as the commissioner designee from Texas for the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3) since 2016. 

Prior to joining the Texas Education Agency, Ms. Ramos worked in educational publishing developing products for social studies teachers and students. She also served as a classroom social studies teacher for eleven years.  

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