February 24, 2022
Episode 209
Mil-Kid Tyler and his dad, share their experience of exploring ROTC programs and the Army Service Academy.
Show Notes:
West Point Summer Leader experience: https://www.westpoint.edu/admissions/summer-program?gclid=CjwKCAiA9tyQBhAIEiwA6tdCrExoQnrhKQUts-ch-oz40D1sQBjjURwYFuCtoT7mTlIN-s3znXmVqxoCpGYQAvD_BwE
DOD INSTRUCTION 6130.03, VOLUME 1 MEDICAL STANDARDS FOR MILITARY SERVICE: APPOINTMENT, ENLISTMENT, OR INDUCTION: https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodi/613003v1p.PDF?ver=7cPFjXiGqfqNSF2HHw-X6w%3D%3D
West Point Application Timeline: https://www.westpoint.edu/sites/default/files/pdfs/ADMISSIONS/Admissions%20Timeline.pdf
College Application Process Webinar https://events-na5.adobeconnect.com/content/connect/c1/968319730/en/events/event/private/1825780098/3001957119/event_registration.html?sco-id=3157525450&_charset_=utf-8
Bio: Tyler
Tyler is currently a sophomore at the United States Military Academy and majoring in Economics. He grew up as a military child in the Army and had seven moves before he entered West Point. His choice to attend a service academy built upon a family tradition of service, as his father, grandfather and great-grandfather were all career military officers. He hopes that his experience applying to both USMA and Army ROTC can help others navigate the unique requirements of those and similar programs.