February 7, 2019
Episode 37
In this podcast, learn more about the Department of Education’s Military Affairs Team’s mission and work, collaboration with the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA), and Department of Education resources available to military-connected students and families. Hear a message from Secretary DeVos—“Re Think School” and her priorities.
Visit the Department of Education’s website at www.ed.gov
Type in “Family” in the search engine. One of the items that will pop up is “Family and Community Engagement” resources are available under the “Family” and “Community” subtabs
Touching Base newsletter: https://www2.ed.gov/news/newsletters/touchingbase/index.html
Parent Training and Information Centers connect parents of children with disabilities with resources.
Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (MIC3): www.mic3.net
Student2Student: https://militarychild.org/audience/students
Parent to Parent: https://militarychild.org/audience/parents
Federal Commission on School Safety: https://www.ed.gov/school-safety