General Sessions & Master Classes
Book Discussion: The Power of Moments
with S2S Student Leaders
Wednesday, July 24th
Special Symposium: State of Education Now and the Future
Wednesday, July 24th

Inspiring Young People to Get a Post-Secondary Education
Episode 23
Eric Waldo, Executive Director at Reach Higher, cuts across policy, advocacy, and community engagement to further the goal that the…Master Class: Growing Character
Wednesday, July 24th

Growing Character: Lessons from West Point and the Army with Dr. Matthews and Dr. Callina
Episode 25
Dr. Mike Matthews from the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership at West Point and Dr. Kristina Callina from the…Special Enrichment Session Documentary & Discussion
Special Screening:
Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Featuring Facilitated Discussion and Hands-On Application Activities
Following the screening, join your fellow viewers for a facilitated discussion highlighting how all of us can apply the lessons we’ve learned from Fred Rogers to put children’s social emotional learning in the forefront.
Discussion Facilitators:
Master Class: Well Being of Military Families
Thursday, July 25th

Leveraging Military Family Strengths
Episode 62
In today’s podcast Dr. Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth and Dr. Patricia Lester will share their insights and perspective about leveraging military…
Well-Being of Military Families
Episode 68
Dr. Kenneth W. Kizer, Distinguished Professor at the University of California Davis and Dr. Stephen J. Cozza, Professor Psychiatry at…
Exploring Convoys of Social Support with Dr. Rich Lerner and Dr. Stephen Cozza
Episode 61
In this podcast, MCEC Science Advisory Board Co-Chairs, Dr. Rich Lerner and Dr. Stephen Cozza explore the concept of “Convoys…Sesame Street for Military Families: Honoring and Supporting the Families who Serve
Wednesday, July 24th
College Board: New College Resources Open Doors
Thursday, July 25th

College Board
Episode 28
Join us as we talk with Bruce Shahbaz and Karen Lanning about what the College Board offers to help college-bound…Promoting Healing after Disasters & Violence
Thursday, July 25th

Promoting Healing after Disasters & Violence
Episode 67
Dr. Melissa Brymer, director of terrorism and disaster programs at the UCLA-Duke National Center for Child Traumatic Stress and an…Convoys of Social Support: The Science
Thursday, July 25th
Convoys of Social Support: The Practice
Thursday, July 25th